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"He is the gardener of men, the knower of all unknowns, the question without answer. His eyes pry the world of its secrets - and every mortal heart is his to know."

Nezoth, also known as KtuluThe Whispering God, and the Dark Lurker, is the Dark God of secrets, forbidden knowledge, and madness. Nezoth is one of the most secretive and mysterious of the Dark Gods, but despite this, he is considered to possess tremendous power due to the knowledge he hoards, his frightening ability to probe and control minds, and the secrecy with which he shrouds his activities. Utterly unknowable, no being mortal or immortal truly understands Nezoth's intentions.

Those who have heard Nezoth's whispers claim that he speaks with a very slithering, foreboding voice. He often entices mortals with the promise of power or hidden knowledge. Such was the case with Malefor, whom Nezoth turned to darkness. Nezoth is thought to wield knowledge, and the temptation of such, to lure his prey into his sway. By whispering horrible secrets and truths, he tugs the strings of mortal feelings and thoughts as they become evermore servants of his indiscernible will. Those who cannot handle the immense mental strain of being under his gaze and plan, are driven to madness.

Nezoth has caused or had a hand in many calamities, and overall is considered one of the most dangerous beings of all, even among the Dark Gods.


Ancient History[]


Personality and Physiology[]

Interaction with Mortals[]



Nezoth is the most secretive and mysterious of all the Dark Gods, and likely the most elusive being in all Creation. He is depicted in many forms by followers, artists, and others.

Those who claim to have seen Nezoth's horrid visage with their own eyes claim he appears as black as the deepest sea, taking the form of a vaguely humanoid being with membranous wings and a hideous face from which many tentacles sprout. His eyes are bright green and beady like that of a mollusk, and accounts differ as to how many eyes he has - some claim two, others claim as many as four to six.

Other accounts of Nezoth's appearance claims he appears as simply a mass of darkness and tentacles which frame multitudes of horrifying, peering eyes.
